Managing information

7 The Board Pack

Summary1. Problems2. Solutions3. Identification(1)3. Identification(2)4. Practice(1)4. Practice(2)5. Example6. Action7 The board pack8. More examplesDownload bookExit

7.1 The problem

7.2 Why is the board pack required?

7.3 The solution - Define objectives

1. Set up a strategy to deliver the objectives of the organisation

2. Maintain profit (or cash flow) of existing organisation

3. Develop the organisation

4. Operate within laws and regulations

5. Trade responsibly

6. State how responsibilities are met

7. Maintain support functions to deliver the objectives

7.4 Risks, decisions and information

7.5 Conclusions from the table

7.6 The board pack contents

7.6.1 For each board meeting

7.6.2 Exception reporting as necessary

7.6.3 'One off' reports

Let’s look at more examples